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A Tip of the Cap. Cap Rates, That Is.

A Tip of the Cap. Cap Rates, That Is.

Commercial real estate is pretty hot right now with significant development and construction going on all around us. As more businesses have been opening and expanding, commercial real estate prices have increased – due in large part to the cap rates. (If your...

Free Kisses!

Free Kisses!

No, this is not an offer, it’s an example. Of people behaving in a way that is contrary to how you might think they would normally behave. It’s also an example of people behaving predictably – because you likely reacted favorably to one or both of the words in the...

Funding Your Business

Funding Your Business

(or A Banker Tells You How to Get Money) If you want to learn how to fix shoes, you go to a cobbler. If you want to learn how to make a cobbler, you go to a baker. And if you want to learn how to find the money to buy a building that you can rent to a baker, you come...

Sure, you can handle stress, but can your budget?

Sure, you can handle stress, but can your budget?

You know me. I am all about strategic planning. I blog about it, talk about it, dream about it, blog about my dreams about it. I like strategic planning. I think it’s crucial for small businesses. So it is only logical that I would be a huge proponent of budgeting...

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