Having a business plan isn’t enough
Success in business requires execution. We've talked a lot about business strategy - from business plans to strategic plans - and how they can help grow your business. But the fact is, simply having a plan isn't enough. Working with business owners, I've seen and a...
3 Activities for A Happy New Year (New Business Year, that is)!
(Or rather, how to make it one.) I know, we haven’t even made it to Thanksgiving yet, but I’m wishing you a Happy New Year? Hey, at least I’m not the “Christmas decorations in September” guy. But now is a really good time to think about what you can do to make 2018 a...
What do you call the people you do business with?
And does it matter? Do you call them “customers” or “clients”? Is there even a difference? Your answer probably depends on the relationship you have with them. And it should. First, let’s look at the definition of the two terms. Webster’s Dictionary defines a client...
Five Business Books Every Small Business Owner or Manager Must Read
Your fall reading assignment “Attention class!” As the weather turns cold and gray, it’s the perfect time to give all you small business owners and managers a fall reading assignment. I have listed five books below that I think provide some great perspectives and...

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