Fixed vs. Floating: Which type of interest rates float your boat?
As a business owner, when you obtain a loan should you take a fixed or a floating interest rate? This question has come up a lot lately when speaking with business owners. So I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them when they ask that question - “It depends.” (Don’t...
Need a building for your business? To buy, or not to buy?
(That is the question.) Should you buy a building for your business? It’s a big step and can seem intimidating. And there are both pros and cons associated with owning a building. So, is it right for you? I recently ran across an article that had some great tips for...
If you don’t talk to yourself already, now’s the time to start.
(Most of the best business owners do.) And the thing I want you to start talking to yourself about is your business. More specifically – I want you to start thinking about questions you’d benefit from having the answers to. Questions that, when asked, would generate...
I would like to change your mind
(Well, only some of you. And you could get a free book out of it.) What kind of mindset do you have: A) a fixed mindset or B) a growth mindset? If you answered B, you can leave the room. But if you have more of a fixed mindset, I want to change your mind. (Hey, I...

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