Big Data. Big Deal?
Have you heard the term “Big Data”? Everybody’s talking about it. It’s the latest thing. But what is it? Does your business need it? And you don’t use it, is your business going to get left behind? Big pause. Big breath. Now that we’re calm, let’s first talk about...
5 steps to more impactful strategic planning
Ok, strategic planning may not be what keeps business managers or business owners up at night, but it can be one of the most exciting and key parts of every business. Think about it - THIS is the part of the business where you get to put your vision out there for...
A blog about smog (and how it affects the stock market)
Can pollution really affect the stock market? Well, before you shake your head and laugh, I read an article in Harvard Business Review in which they found a direct correlation between the pollution in New York City and the performance of the stock market. On days that...

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