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Banking 101: How Banking Works

Banking 101: How Banking Works

(Relax, there won’t be a test.) When I help clients, I first have to learn about their businesses – how they work, operate, and ultimately how they make money and succeed. So it only seems logical that clients should be given some insight into our business – how banks...

A hire calling – Tips for improving your hiring process

A hire calling – Tips for improving your hiring process

One of the most frequent topics that comes up in my conversations with business owners and managers is the challenge of finding the right employee. Landing a great employee is tough, but for a lot of people I talk to they’re even struggling to find employees who will...

Dude, where’s my bank? Are traditional banks going away?

Dude, where’s my bank? Are traditional banks going away?

It’s a good question. And for business owners it’s an important question as banks can be a very important partner. My short answer is – I don’t see the traditional “bank on the corner” going away any time soon. But I do think that the banking industry will continue to...

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